Elixir Greens - The Wonderful Greens Supplement That You Ever Need

Due to overwhelming demand, we are currently out of stock.
Order our other green, Energize Greens. Visit EnergizeGreens.com. Thank you.

Instantly Alkalize Your Body, Feel Energized The Entire Day, & Boost Your Immune System!

Holistic Health Labs SuperGreens Formula
Elixir Greens
"One of the best creations of Holistic Labs. I have been a customer since they launched their first greens product and I would say this is one of their best greens supplement ever! " ~ product review by Carolyn Keys

The green drink that helps you to burn fat and rest your metabolism

Combines 14 of nature's most nutrient-dense green "superfoods"

The right ingredients backed up with clinical studies

Maximize your energy levels with the antioxidant nutrition in Elixir Greens Powder! This highly nutritious blend of 14 greens and herbs promotes energy all day long. Just mix with your favorite juice or beverage. Includes spirulina, maca, amla berry, goji berry, cayenne pepper, tumeric, and many more.
1 Bottle
with Autofill Every Month
+ $6.95 Shipping
(Save $10)
One Time Purchase
+ $6.95 Shipping
2 Bottles
with Autofill Every 2 Months
+ $13.90 Shipping
(Save $24.10)
One Time Purchase
+ $13.90 Shipping
(Save $14.10)
4 Bottles
with Autofill Every 4 Months
+ $19.95 Shipping
(Save $78.20)
One Time Purchase
+ $19.95 Shipping
(Save $68.20)

Elixir Greens Supplement Label

Scientific Advisory Board
Holistic Health Labs Scientific Advisory Board is a team of medical and alternative healthcare practitioners who play an integral role for the education of our customers as well as the research, development, and testing of each Holistic Health Labs product. This team has been put together to ensure quality, delve into the scientific research of each ingredient used in our formula, and offer relevant insights to further improve our existing products and newly developed formula.

Adam Stewart, DMP, DABR
American Board of
Radiology Certified
Drew Sutton, MD FACS
American Board of
Otolaryngology Certified
Gianguido Coffa, PhD
Senior Scientist &
Biotech Consultant