5 ‘Weird’ Foods That Eliminate Your Pain, Alkalize Your Body & Reduce Inflammation

Hi, my name is Laura Lindsey, and I’m the chief nutritionist at Holistic Health Labs.

As you have indicated that you are suffering from chronic pain, like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, back pain, deep muscle aches, joints pain, stiffness, swelling, or soreness…

I’m going to show you 5 “weird” but highly nutritious foods that have the ability to reverse your pain and restore nearly every part of your body to a stronger, more energized, and more revitalized state…

You are also going to learn about the one ROOT cause of inflammation and acidity...

     That is causing the pain in your body…

     Making you unable to shed the stubborn fats…

     And depriving you of vital nutrients, vitamins, and            minerals.

EVEN if you are eating an absolutely healthy diet.
Testimonial - Katherine Pittz
I am really doing well on it and today I used the last in the container

Hi I ordered Elixir Greens on the autoship plan and have not received my next shipment. Could you check and see if I am indeed subscribed for the monthly delivery. I am really doing well on it and today I used the last in the container. Thank you

Katherine Pittz
Weird Food #1: Turmeric
The first weird food is one of the oldest remedies used in Asia - Turmeric. Turmeric is indigenous to Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine for more than 4000 years.

It is only in recent years that modern western medicine has finally acknowledged turmeric as a powerful food to fight against pain and inflammation. Turmeric is also one of my favorite “pain-busting” foods and I often recommend it to my patients to soothe and relieve pain.
In 2009, Donna was 58 when she first experienced sharp pain on her right shoulder and back. Her knee was also “acting up” with minor pain occasionally. She was also diagnosed with Arthritis.

The pain was so bad that she had to toss and turn in bed all night, trying to find a comfortable sleep position,

And she was losing precious sleep time and feeling tired every single day because the pain just didn’t go away.

She consulted many doctors and they all told her the exact, same thing…

“Oh well, this is just a sign of getting older. Let me prescribe you with a pain killer.”

Donna took the prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen but started experiencing abdominal pain, indigestion and even found traces of blood in her vomit.

The truth is that, Donna is not alone. Many folks above the age of 50 experience the same kind of pain…

But doctors simply brushed it off as a sign of aging…

And Donna was frustrated as there were so many side effects from the pain killers and the doctors have no other means of treating her…

That is why I suggested Donna to try turmeric.

The first few weeks after taking turmeric, she realized that her joints did not ache like they used too..

And after taking turmeric everyday for 2-3 months, her joint pains were gone.

And the best thing was, she didn’t experience any side effects, as compared to Ibuprofen.

But she became lazy and stopped taking turmeric for a month.

And her joint pains and aches returned...

So she continued her intake of turmeric and her pain went away once again…

Donna is not the only one who has benefited from the magical pain-relieving abilities of turmeric without any side effects.

There are numerous studies and research done on turmeric.

In a 4-week randomized clinical trial involving participants with osteoarthritis, one group received turmeric extract, while the other group received the daily maximum dose of ibuprofen.

Results showed that the turmeric group experienced pain relief just as much as the ibuprofen group.

Not only did participants taking the turmeric reported none of the side effects compared to those who took Ibuprofen,

The turmeric group also performed better when walking and going up and down a flight of stairs. AND they enjoyed more relief from joint relief and no side effects than those taking Ibuprofen.

Another double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in the December 2011 Issue of Surgical Endoscopy looked at turmeric supplementation on patients who underwent gallbladder removal surgery.

Patients who took turmeric showed a faster relief from pain and fatigue after the surgery, as compared to a placebo.

That is why turmeric can be highly effective for different kinds of pain like back and hip pain, arthritis, osteoarthritis, neck stiffness, shoulder aches, and even post surgery pain.

Of course, turmeric is not just notorious for its ability to relieve pain, but it is also scientifically proven to boost your digestion, inhibit the formation of stomach ulcers, reduce blood sugar and lower cholesterol levels.

Now, turmeric itself is not enough to fight against chronic pain and inflammation.
Weird Food #2: Buckthorn
And that is why the second weird food you should eat is sea buckthorn -

This miracle berry is renowned in Ayurvedic medicine as far back as 5,000 BC.

In Greece, Tibet, Russia, Mongolia, and China, sea buckthorn is known to treat various health issues including promoting blood circulation, aiding digestion, lowering blood cholesterol and alleviating pain.

What’s more, sea buckthorn is the only plant that contains Omegas 3, 9 and 7.

Most people are aware of the wide-ranging benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, but you likely aren’t aware of a category of omega-7 fats that provide some unique health effects.
This newly discovered fat molecule is so important that Harvard Medical School has applied for a patent on it. That’s because scientists have discovered that omega-7 has the ability to reduce an inflammatory substance, called C-reactive protein (CRP).

The CRP levels rises whenever you have swelling, an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes, symptoms of pain or fever, and even infections.

That is why when you eat sea buckthorn, it can eliminate this C-reactive protein in your body

And hence not only can sea buckthorn eliminate your chronic pain, it can also lower your risk of type II diabetes,

prevent the buildup of plaque in your blood vessels,

And increase your healthy HDL cholesterol.

This feat would require multiple prescription drugs to achieve — with potentially dangerous side effects.

But the omega-7 in sea buckthorn can safely do all this at a fraction of the cost.

There is one important point to take note. In order for this to work...

You need to ensure that the level of omega 6 (known as the ‘high-inflammatory’ omega) in your body is much lower than the rest of the good, anti-inflammatory omegas 3, 7 and 9.

Omega 6s is typically found in vegetable oil, margarine and other processed foods.

The good omegas will not help much in reducing inflammation if you continue to consume foods with high levels of omega 6.

That is why I usually recommend my patients to take flaxseed too.
Weird Food #3: Flaxseed
Flaxseed is rich in omega 3s and can work synergistically with sea buckthorn to provide the healthy omegas you require.

And on top of that, both foods boast an impressive nutritional profile that heals and fortifies the entire body.

That is why I highly recommend you to include both sea buckthorn and flaxseed in your diet to effectively alkalize your body, soothe your pain and reduce inflammation.

Now, before I get to the next food, which is a NASA-approved food for astronauts because of its exceptional nutritious content.

Let me explain the danger behind the ridiculously low nutrients in the foods you eat today, even fruits and vegetables.

In a study published by the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, researchers evaluated 20 people for micronutrient deficiencies. Of the 20, 14 were athletes. The other six were sedentary individuals.

The researchers found that all 20 had significant deficiencies. On average, men had deficiencies in 40% of the vitamins and 54.2% of the minerals.

Women had deficiencies in 29% of the vitamins and 44.2% of the minerals.

Concern for nutrients deficiency from food alone is not a new question.

Excerpts from 70 years ago, from the 2nd Session of the 74th USA Congressional Record in 1936 stated:

“Laboratory tests prove that the fruits, the vegetables, the grains, the eggs and even the milk and the meats of today are not what they were a few generations ago…..

It is bad news to learn from our leading authorities that 99% of the American people are deficient in these minerals, and that a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease.

Any upset of the balance, any considerable lack of one or another element, however microscopic the body requirement may be, and we sicken, suffer, and shorten our lives.”

And that was 70 years ago! Imagine what is left in the nutritional value of today’s crops.

True enough, when they compared the nutritional value in fruits and vegetables for 1948 and 1991, they found a huge drop in many of them.

[NOTE: This is just a chart below, you don’t have to read it]

As you can see, the level of magnesium in broccoli decreased by a whopping 81.9%!

And there was a dramatic 61.2% reduction in calcium content in asparagus!

Many agricultural scientists agree that this is because modern farming practices have depleted our soils of minerals; hence, these depleted soils yield nutrient-poor produce.

That means you now need approximately 40 servings of vegetables and fruits to obtain the nutritional equivalent of five servings from 50 years ago!

Without sufficient levels of the necessary nutrients and minerals, inflammation is here to stay, and the pain will never go away.

Different minerals play a vital role in multiple parts of your body for it to function at its optimal level.

For example, a deficiency in magnesium will hinder the breakdown of glucose, fats, and increase the risk for cardiovascular disease...

A deficiency in calcium would lead to brittle bones and irregular heartbeat...

And a lack of potassium increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke..

This is further verified by a research done by Dr August Dunning.

He discovered a very clear pattern on how mineral deficiencies increase the risk of common diseases.

From this chart, you can see the number of people with heart conditions increased by 412% from the 1980s to 2011 when there is a deficiency in magnesium, potassium, selenium, chromium and copper.

And Bone deformities cases increased by 347% when there is a deficiency of calcium, copper, and magnesium.

That is why you’ll love what this NASA-approved superfood will do for your body and understand why I highly recommend you to eat.

You see, over the last decade, NASA has spent big dollars conducting many studies on various foods and ingredients to discover potential food for space travel.

When it comes to space travel, the goal is to provide astronauts with foods that are rich in nutrients but don’t take up much room.

What is this NASA-approved superfood?

It is called…

Weird Food #4: Spirulina
Spirulina is the spiral-shaped blue-green algae that grows naturally in warm, fresh-water lakes and ponds.

When you take a look at spirulina’s nutritional content, you can see why it’s considered a superfood.

Spirulina is rich in vitamin B12, iron, magnesium, beta-carotene, the healthy fat gamma-linolenic acid, and it contains all eight essential amino acids.

Spirulina even contains 26 times more calcium than milk — this is why it can strengthen your bones and relieve the pain from osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

What makes this an extremely golden plant source of protein are all the additional nutrients that come along with it.

Essential minerals, including potassium, zinc, iodine, magnesium, selenium, iron, and phosphorous, are all in spirulina, adding additional nutritional bang for your buck.

In fact, NASA found that one kilogram of spirulina had the same nutrients found in about 1,000 kilograms of assorted vegetables.

Just to give you a taste of spirulina’s healing powers,

Spirulina increases antioxidant protection, fights free radicals, slows the aging process, curbs appetite and promotes weight loss, supports healthy cardiovascular function, improves the digestion process and gastrointestinal health, creates beneficial flora in the digestive tract, and makes the body produce more red and white blood cells, which kill germs and viruses.

It also contains a compound, c-phycocyanin, that can reduce inflammation and have pain-busting effects.
Margaret, who was 71 years of age, came to me with severe pain in her knees and legs, which became much worse when she lied down. She couldn’t kneel and had difficulty even with bending her knees.

After she followed my advice of taking spirulina, she could bend her knees and even do knee bends. She also has so much more energy now even at the age of 71.

She felt so much better, and could walk for long distances and even up and down the stairs without pain and with no need for assistance or a walking stick.

You see, by eating spirulina consistently, it provides your body with all the essential minerals you require and hence,

it is easier for your body to fight against the inflammation and acidity in your body.

Weird Food #5: Amla Berry
Amla berry has also been used in Ayurvedic medicine for more than 3,000 years.

Unlike the common berries you see in the grocer, Amla is proven to be an effective herbal medicine in the treatment of arthritis, chronic pain, heart conditions, cancer, digestive problems, diabetes and other health issues.

What makes Amla so powerful?

Amla contains a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals like ascorbic acid, fatty acids, bioflavonoids, polyphenols, cytokinins, B vitamins, calcium, potassium, iron, tannins, and pectin.

This is why it can lower the LDL or “bad” cholesterol levels, protect the heart and liver, reduce blood sugar level and even fight inflammation.

There is growing evidence that the humble amla berry offers nearly legendary powers in healing and preventing atherosclerosis, which is plaque built-up inside the arteries, and related coronary heart disease.

Here’s why that’s dangerous:

When plaque builds up, blood is not able to travel as easily through the arteries, which puts stress on the heart because it needs to pump harder.

When this happens, you’ll experience blood circulation problems, high blood pressure and heart disease.

But Amla can ensure that your blood vessels are as smooth as Teflon by decreasing cholesterol deposits inside your arteries and veins…

In fact, studies have shown that two compounds in Amla, Dgg-16 and Corilagin, can reduce the bad LDL cholesterol levels and reduce fat deposits in the arteries, thus protecting the heart and arteries.

In a clinical study, 2 groups of men that are between 35 to 55 years old were given Amla for 28 days.

The first group had normal cholesterol level while the second group suffered from elevated cholesterol.

After eating the amla, men from both groups had a decrease in total cholesterol levels.

BUT the cholesterol levels rose back to nearly their original levels 2 weeks after they stopped taking amla!

Besides ensuring that your heart is functioning at a tip-top condition,

Other studies have indicated that Amla can even moderate your blood sugar level.

Normally your blood glucose levels increase slightly after you eat. This is harmful for diabetic patients as they need to keep their blood sugar levels stable throughout the day..

Amla can help with this problem. In a study, diabetic patients who ate amla over a 21 day period not only significantly reduced their post-meal glucose levels, but also had lowered lipid and triglyceride levels.

Amla also excels at protecting your liver from oxidative damage.

The liver is one of the most important organs responsible for keeping the body free from toxins and harmful substances.

But free radicals inflict oxidative stress on your liver, causing liver injury, so the toxins are still stuck in your body. When that happens, you’ll find that your joints are more painful, your back aches more, and your skin flares up and becomes more itchy.

The good news is,

Researchers found that the tannins, flavonoid, and nitric-oxide scavenging molecule found in Amla berry offers protection against free radicals attacks that damages the liver.

All of these studies done on Amla provide compelling modern scientific support for wisdom that has already been practiced for more than three thousand years.

Now, What Do These Five “Weird” Foods
Have In Common?
These five “weird” foods have high levels of alkalizing nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemical content that provide exceptional health benefits, and this has led scientists to call them superfoods.

On top of that, these foods also have unique healing, alkalizing, and anti-inflammatory properties that can help you to reduce the inflammation in painful joints, soothe aches and pains, relax your muscles, and improve blood circulation.

And they provide the essential nutrients to stop chronic pain like swelling, “sore” back pain, neck pain, slip disc, joint pain, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, stiffness and even chilling pain in the spine.

Now these 5 superfoods aren’t unusual just because crippling arthritis, chronic back pain, cancer, autoimmune diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, allergies and osteoporosis were all completely cured.

It’s unusual because these 5 foods that were used have been around for thousands of years.

Yet they are still kept mainly out of view from mainstream America.

They are safe, gentle, natural and powerful.

And that’s precisely why they have not been promoted in the West.

Western medicine and large pharmaceutical companies simply cannot lose their monopoly on the industry of surgery, medication and drugs.

You see, the medical community and Big pharma have lobbied to prevent the secrets of these foods from leaking it out.

They want you to depend on their painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and medications forever.

They don’t care if there are horrible and devastating side effects.

In fact, they don’t want you to be cured.

The truth is, your body already has the power to kill any harmful germs, viruses, bacteria or dysfunction and anyone can unlock this miraculous healing power for themselves, naturally and easily, which is what your body already wants to do.

And you can do so this with the 5 superfoods I just shared with you plus 9 more pain-soothing ingredients which I’ll reveal to you in just a moment.

Because when you start consuming these superfoods every day, your body will regain its innate ability to heal itself.

You see, your body is like a river.

river usually cleans itself when the water flows swiftly from a higher plain to a lower plain.

But when we throw tons of rubbish into the river, it starts to accumulate at the bottom, and soon, a polluted, artificial dam is formed.

The water no longer flows, and the river can no longer clean itself.

It becomes so polluted that it turned into a breeding ground for pests and bacteria.

And all the fishes and plants die. The entire river ecosystem is destroyed.

Just like the river, your body has the ability to “repair” itself, but because of the toxins that we are constantly exposed to, it no longer functions as it should.

And the “clogged” areas lead to chronic inflammation, causing so much pain, swelling, stiffness and soreness.

Western medicine would look at each individual symptom and invent destructive treatments to mask the symptoms.

It is just like using super pesticides to wipe out pests and bacteria in the polluted river.

Not only will the pests and bacteria mutate into something more dangerous and resistant,

All the living organisms in the river get poisoned… and they are not able to survive

That this is why the painkillers, drugs and surgery only make it worse. They are never meant to cure the root cause of your underlying health issues.

All of a sudden, you’ll find yourself gaining weight without any reason, falling sick easily, lacking energy, and even becoming vulnerable to terrible diseases like heart disease, chronic pain, and diabetes.

But you can easily reverse all these health problems without the drugs and medications.

Once you remove the pollutants and introduce alkalizing vitamins and minerals, you’ll find your body begin to heal easily, and the pain will start to melt away.

And this can ONLY be achieved when you learned about the nutritional and healing properties of superfoods and herbal medicines that have been tested and proven since thousands of years ago.

Now, after 18 months of studying and analyzing all these natural foods of different sources, together with tons of research papers, journals, and studies, we’ve narrowed down to a list of 14 natural superfoods that work synergistically to reduce the inflammation in your body, reverse your pain, boost your energy level, lower your blood pressure, and provide well-rounded nutrition for your body.

And Besides The 5 Superfoods I Have Shared
With You, The Other 9 Superfoods Are
(melts away joint pain for rheumatoid Arthritis and inflammation)
(removes toxins and increases beneficial gut bacteria which helps to treat ulcers, colitis, diverticulosis, and Crohn’s disease)
Cayenne Pepper
(blocks the pain in your body and helps you burn fat)

Psyllium husk
(lowers bad cholesterol, improve fat metabolism and boost your digestive health)
(balances the hormones in your body and lowers blood cholesterol)
Goji Berry
(maintains healthy blood pressure and promotes weight loss and antioxidants)

(improves digestion, fights free radicals and boosts the digestive system)
Camu camu
(reduces joint aches, stiffness and also promotes the synthesis of collagen)
(high silicate content that strengthens bones and treats osteoporosis)

The problem is when we first shared these 14 superfoods to our patients, they have absolutely no idea where to get them, how to consume them, and what is the ideal dosage for maximum effectiveness.

Together with our group of dietitians and nutritionists, we have created a super greens formula that is carefully formulated based on these 14 superfoods to erase your pain away, and give you a matrix of health benefits and nutritional superpower.
We call it
Elixir Greens
All you need is just 30 seconds every morning. Take a tablespoon of Elixir Greens, mix it with your water or juice, and you’ll be able to enjoy all the benefits
of these superfoods.

By drinking these 14 superfoods every day, your body would be able to heal itself…

You start to feel that your body doesn’t ache any more
You start to feel that your body doesn’t ache any more
You start to feel that your body doesn’t ache any more

Here’s what some of our customers have to say after taking Elixir Greens.
Now, keep in mind, these are folks who have suffered from arthritis, chronic pain, joint pain and other health issues, and have even undergone invasive procedures like surgery and chemotherapy, so they know what’s out there.
Here’s what Jacquelynn from New York had to say:
I’m over 65. I’ve been taking daily doses of Elixir Greens (as directed). It has given me relief from fatigue and joint pain. I had mid-winter onset of knee dysfunction, which seemed to later bring on heel pain in the same leg.

Both have been crippling but the daily Elixir Greens are seeming to help a good deal. I wake up with generally improved sense of well-being lately, which began this in recent weeks.

And here’s what Chayo from Texas experienced:
I have had less joint pain because of the alkalizing effect of Elixir Greens. I also enjoyed better digestion with lesser constipation. I find that I have more energy with all the ingredients that otherwise I would be taking separately. I would recommend this supplement to other people!

And here’s what Ken from North Carolina experienced:
First, a little information about my history; I’m turning 72 in June and I have B-Cell Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Cancer and I completed my Chemo in August 2014. I have had four spine surgeries and my entire L-levels including S1 have been fused and Steffi Plates were also implanted. I have a complete list of all my ailments if you want to see my complete history.

The reason for such a complete history is due to my former employment. I served our Government for 26 years: 18 covert in the CIA overseas and 8 years in the U.S. Secret Service, Technical Security Division.

I retired early due to my back injury.

Before starting your recommendations, I weighed 173 pounds and my waist was 44 inches. I always felt bloated and I could not walk more than 1/8th of a mile round trip before pain in my back and left leg would cause me to stop. Over the years I’ve heard of this type of diet but I have always been leery of the claims.

Well, that was until NOW!

Due to my cancer, my appetite is terrible and most foods turn my stomach. I watched your video on the Greens and I decided to give it a try. Trust me, I had nothing to lose.

What happened is truly amazing and if it wasn’t such a traumatic change I probably wouldn’t be writing about my experience.

My results so far are: Weight as of today, one month after - 161.4, a loss of over 12 pounds. My waist is now 40 inches; a loss of 4 inches!

Amazing results! Also additional truly astounding results are my “Old Age Spots” have almost vanished.

I can now walk 3/4 of a mile without pain.

I had built-up dry skin areas on the crown of my head and right side of my face, which has completely disappeared. I feel better than I have in many, many years.

I think my doctor will be amazed at the results. Thank you so very much.
Isn’t this amazing?

We receive emails every single day from people whose lives have been transformed by taking Elixir Greens daily.

With Elixir Greens,

You don’t have to worry about the side effects of all the nasty painkillers, Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), injections, or even surgery.

You can finally say goodbye to nagging pain, piercing discomfort, chronic fatigue, and debilitating diseases.

And customers just reorder over and over again when they are running low on Elixir Greens…

With over 14 nutrient-packed ingredients in a bottle of Elixir Greens, you can be sure that your cells are nourished with essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrition…

You instantly introduce your own personal, health-revitalizing ARMY every day to fight against deadly diseases and illnesses like chronic pain, inflammation, heart problems, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, high blood pressure and even cancer.

But What Exactly Makes
Elixir Greens So Powerful?
Number One:

Instead of just having one or two ingredients in the supplement, we have packed over 14 superfood ingredients in Elixir Greens! Our bodies require these alkalizing vitamins, minerals, and nutrients from a wider variety of foods than just one or two ingredients.

This means that instead of buying over 14 superfoods, all you need to buy is Elixir Greens.

This helps you save money and gives you more health benefits from just drinking a tablespoon of Elixir Greens each day.
Number Two:

The superfoods we have chosen are backed up by clinical studies and evidence to help you achieve certain health benefits. This is rare in the industry because most ingredients that meet this standard simply cost more.

On top of that, we carefully chose and tested each source, all of which are measured for maximum effectiveness.

And to be frank, this wasn’t an easy task.

We had to send each of the superfoods to the labs to test the potency and maximum effectiveness before using them in the formula.

This is very important.

Many of the fly-by-night companies that have sprouted up use low-quality ingredients and formulations that are too weak to show any effect.

We chose the highest-quality ingredients because we wanted Elixir Greens to have the maximum potency.

This is, hands down, way better than any multivitamin that you will ever come across.
Number Three:

Elixir Greens is manufactured right here in New York, in the United States, in an FDA-approved facility that adheres strictly to federal current Good Manufacturing Practices, known as the cGMP for dietary supplements.

You can rest assured that Elixir Greens is a premium-quality supplement.
Number Four:

And the fourth reason is something I’m sure you’ll appreciate.

You see, although spirulina, chlorella, and other superfoods pack a whole bunch of benefits, some people do not enjoy their unique taste. We have addressed that challenge with Elixir Greens by blending it with natural berries and stevia so that it taste great!

This is why many nutrition specialists recommend Elixir Greens to their clients.

Now, with Elixir Greens, you too can once again be free from pain, have a stronger heart, and enjoy a boost of energy!

In a moment, you can take advantage of this scientifically-backed super supplement that can give you immediate results and, most importantly, …

Let’s do a quick recap of what I’ve gone through so far...

If YOU are constantly suffering from severe pain, arthritis, back pain, neck aches, or joint pain,

Feeling exhausted or have low energy levels...

worried about your blood pressure and heart health…

are feeling the effects of aging far faster than you like…

You could be suffering from cellular starvation, poisoning, or inflammation… or WORSE!

The ingredients contained in the Elixir Greens proprietary blend nourish your cells with a ton of invigorating nutrients that your body needs to rejuvenate, restore, and replenish itself so that you feel more healthy and energized.

Right now, you can easily harness Elixir Greens’ cell-rejuvenating ingredients completely risk-free, and it is as easy as clicking the button when it appears below on this page…

Here’s the thing… because we use over 14 premium ingredients to produce the most effective formulations for Elixir Greens, we usually offer a bottle of Elixir Greens for a standard retail price of $97.

That’s a one-month supply, 9.5 oz or 270 grams in a bottle, if you take one tablespoon a day.

You can take more, if you want. Or you can take less if you want. It is completely safe.

But today, as you’re watching this presentation, you have a chance to get it with a special offer right now.

This special offer is just for the next 24 hours and for new customers only.

Because today, as you are directly purchasing Elixir Greens from us, cutting out the distributors and retailers, we are allowing those who order through this presentation to try Elixir Greens for just $67.

You save $30 a bottle over our regular price.

This $67 is just a one-time charge. We never do any sort of auto-billing or continuous shipping.

Do you think that regaining your health, protecting your body from disease and illness, having more energy, melting away excruciating aches and pains, feeling younger and more refreshed, knowing that your body is getting all of the nutrition and health support it needs is worth a measly $2 a day?

But that’s not all…

If you act right now and reserve four bottles of Elixir Greens, you’ll have a spot on our Top VIP Customers List, which entitles you to our VIP pricing at only $49.95 per bottle!

For those of you who are truly committed to boost your health, reverse the pain and protect your body against deadly diseases, I would highly recommend you to reserve 4 bottles of Elixir Greens.

Only for today, you can save more than $47 a bottle if you order the 4-months supply - a total savings of more than $180!

Get Your Elixir Greens Below Now!
48% Instant Savings When You Purchase 4 Bottles For a Limited Time!

4 Bottles
$268.00   Save $68.20
$ 199.80
2 Bottles
$134.00   Save $14.10
$ 119.90
$ 13.90
1 Bottle
$ 67.00
$ 6.95

How Is This Drastic Price Break Possible?
In order to constantly be on our edge to improve our formula and our research, we need people to share their results with us.

Specifically, we want to hear about the ever-increasing benefits that start when you’ve been taking Elixir Greens for 30 days or MORE…

To that end, I’ve instructed the lab to set aside an entire supply of Elixir Greens so that YOU can share YOUR success stories with us, and my team of scientists will have a growing body of evidence to show the long-term properties of this amazing product!

But you really need to order NOW because our retailers selling Elixir Greens would be very upset if we were to keep the prices low at $67 while they are selling it at $97.

For just $2 a day, you can guarantee that every organ in your body is getting the kind of total cell nourishment it needs to rebuild and restore your body to healthier and more energized levels!

Are you ready to experience the power of Elixir Greens? Good.

But I’m going to make you a deal you can’t pass up. You don’t even have to make that decision now.

In fact…

I’m so totally confident that Elixir Greens is going to change your life for the better, give you more youth, more vitality, less pain and stiffness, and more overall flexibility, that I am going to do something our accountants tell me we simply cannot do.

I’m going to let you TRY Elixir Greens for 30 days, and if, for ANY reason, you’re not fully delighted with the results… Simply return the unused bottles—and we’ll BUY THEM BACK…

That’s right. Simply try Elixir Greens for 30 days right now, and if, at any time, you decide it’s just not working for you, just return the unused bottles, and we’ll buy them back…
Testimonial - Judith Harrington
“Here I am 136 lbs in my Skinny Jeans and I’m 66 years old.

I’ve always weighed 145 and wanted to get into Skinny Jeans, have more energy, up early and at the gym. Also wanted to lose weight and look younger when visiting my cousins in Florida last month. Well, here I am 136 lbs. in my Skinny Jeans and I’m 66 years old. I love Elixir Greens...and they love me!!!

Judith Harrington
New Hampshire

Even if you exercise regularly and already have a healthy diet, Elixir Greens could be the ONLY thing that is missing right now!

But you won’t KNOW that if you don’t TRY it.

Here’s the situation, though. You’re really going to need to act right now. We have only 87 bottles of Elixir Greens left till the next refill, which may take several months.

When they’re sold out, not only will you need to wait several months for the next production run,

You will no longer get the discounted price and have to pay $30 extra at $97 for just one bottle of Elixir Greens.

So why wait to pay more?

Instead, you can save more than $30 when you order your bottle of Elixir Greens today, risk free!

With Elixir Greens and our team of researchers always striving to find the next, best, most cutting-edge improvements and enhancements in health, alkalizing, and anti-cancer science … you’ll never have to “go it alone.”

So right NOW, you have three options, as I see it…

Option 1...

You can do nothing at all…

Keep going the way you are now, and keep being frustrated and risk things getting worse because you don’t take action. Spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on painkillers, medical bills, drugs, and medications, and at the same time continue to suffer from the pain and experience the horrible side effects of these drugs.

Option 2...

is take what you have learned today and try it out for yourself.

You can take the basic ideas I talked about with all these superfoods and what it means to your body and go ahead and use it for yourself or a loved one.

And you might get some decent results.

But wouldn’t you rather have a sure thing?

Wouldn’t you rather have a simple and proven formula that literally thousands of people around the world are now using?

And have that by your side as you try to make this happen?

But of course there’s an option 3...

Risk nothing at all today.

Grab Elixir Greens for just $67 today, and see how little it takes for you to get that incredible youthful feeling of strength and vitality again.

See how easy and inexpensive it is to rid yourself of all the pain and discomfort you have felt cursed and controlled by.

All you have to do to get started this is click the big shiny and inviting Add to Cart button below and we’ll ship to you within 4 - 7 business days if you’re located in the United States.

Again, reserve your personal supply of Elixir Greens so that you can receive it in no time. But hurry. I can’t stress this enough. You need to ACT NOW to secure your bottle of Elixir Greens.

Click the “Add To Cart” button below before this special offer is gone forever.

Again, this is Laura Lindsey, Chief Nutritionist of Holistic Health Labs.

Thank you for your time. I really hope you’ll take action now and join us.

If you’re still here, you probably have some questions.

The most common ones my clients have asked me are:

You mentioned there are over 14 ingredients in Elixir Greens.
What are they?

As there are over 14 ingredients in Elixir Greens, we have provided a list of all the ingredients at the bottom of this page. You can click on the product label link and view all the ingredients.

Do take note that all of our ingredients are sourced from premium sources and are GMO-free, soy-free, and dairy-free.

Are there any side effects from Elixir Greens?

Due to the toxic load the average person carries, sometimes, when people start a regime of spirulina and chlorella, they think they are experiencing side effects.

In reality, they are experiencing the effects of detoxification.

The cleansing of toxins from the body may give you gas, nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea, etc.

If the side effects of detoxing are too much for you, ease up on your consumption, adding it in slowly.

The symptoms will pass in a couple of days. There is nothing else to be alarmed about. After a few days, you should be fine to take more.

When will I receive Elixir Greens?

We usually take one to two working days to process your order. Once your order is processed, it usually takes a short four to seven working days to deliver your purchase if you’re located in the United States.

How do I order?

You can simply choose the best-valued package and click the order button next to it. You’ll be taken to Paypal, our payment processor, which is encrypted with the latest 228-bit security for your total protection.

Just fill in your shipping and payment information, and we’ll rush Elixir Greens to your door. Click on the link below and give Elixir Greens a try. With this risk-free offer, you have nothing to lose.

4 Bottles
$268.00   Save $68.20
$ 199.80
2 Bottles
$134.00   Save $14.10
$ 119.90
$ 13.90
1 Bottle
$ 67.00
$ 6.95